Practice what you preachForgive? Yep… Forget? No way Jose… Some mistakes were built to last. “Hey! Make sure you guys keep the doors closed!” I yelled out a warning to the absent-minded minors. I barked out that order in frustration more than once in my life. Living in Arizona the warning is usually voiced over the weather and keeping the hot air out that spins the electric meter like a tornado, but not always…

“Are you trying to air condition the desert?” was one of the sarcastic questions posed to us; the absent-minded adolescents of the arid arena. Funny how money means little to the people who don’t have to earn it… “Boy, if you leave that door open one more time I”m gonna make you sleep outside!” Sure dads can be more effective sometimes than moms, but even that warning didn’t stick, couldn’t… not until enough magical time passed for the brain to begin to actually work, or work more often I should say…

I like a good family tradition as much as the next guy, so our girls heard it from me too. Hot Arizona summers or perfect Arizona winters didn’t matter, they’d hear it from me regardless, “Keep the doors closed!” Like me as a kid, they struggled. Hard to grasp some things as a kid, but I gave the typical “hot weather” speeches along with some of the classic sarcastic questions. When the weather got like the Garden of Eden I’d give them the “cool weather” speech… probably a few sarcastic questions thrown in there for good measure and tradition.

We lived in North Scottsdale at the time, smack in the heart of the most pristine Sonoran desert in the world, “I told you! Don’t leave the doors open! we’ll end up with snakes! You want a rattlesnake in the house?” Parents… Sheesh… I know, of course, that no one wants poisonous snakes sneaking into where they cherish safety, but sarcastic questions have a long heritage… and frankly are just too irresistible to pass up…

It was a pristine lazy Sunday when I was going between the house and the casita, (like a small mother in law suite), and inadvertently left the door open to air the place out. The following Wednesday about four o’clock I heard Ali’s blood-curdling scream… it sounded even worse than the time when she was in around first or second grade and cut herself with her mom’s razor the she was forbidden to touch…

She was pure white and shaking, “A snake!” She yelled when I got to her in the courtyard just in front of the casita door. Like the good and traditional parent, my first instinct was to not believe her… Parents… Sheesh…

I suspect that it’s beyond coincidence that the mistakes that are made to last are usually the ones we make when we’re being self-centered or hypocritical with the rules we say we live our lives by… Isn’t that the biggest turn off for the secular world from the modern church? It’s hard to respect, much less hang out with a hypocrite.

The rattlesnake in our casita was the last straw for my wife and eventually led us back to the concrete jungle… As many times as my wife has told that story and laughed about how I didn’t “practice what you preach”, you’d think she’d be tired of telling it by now… Not by a long shot…