If you’re lucky, or blessed enough to be around little kids hunting for Easter eggs this weekend, you might be on an invisible hunt of your own. More than a few of us have lost our composure, as of late, that is. Some of us are fearing the boogie man like the little ones distracted with an Easter egg hunt often do.
“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (NIV)
The real boogie man wants to “sift you like flour”. But he has no rule over any of us until God gives him the green light.
In this special season and celebration of the One who yielded once and for all as the only “Perfect” sacrifice on our behalf, it’s a time for celebration and thanksgiving, not fear of death.
Death has been conquered. Death has no sting. And God knew before you or I walked on this rock the number of our days and the number of the ones that would be taken by this virus.
I read some interesting facts checked by;
“One of the worst days so far for Coronavirus was the 10th of February. On that day 108 persons in China died of Coronavirus.
But, on that same day 26,283 people died of cancer
24,641 died of heart disease
4,300 died of diabetes
and on that day, suicide, unfortunately, took more lives than the virus did, by 28 times.
Moreover, mosquitoes kill 2,740 people every day, humans kill 1,300 fellow humans ever day, and snakes kill 137 people every day.
Take a deep breath and wash your hands.”
There have been worse days since then, but the point is spot on.
Fear sells, and if the masses think this virus that has been around for decades, and will take far less lives than the flu this season, is so big and so powerful, they’ll give up more rights… And for a security that a government can’t give.
Only God can give security eternal. As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ lets do it with thankful and fearless hearts. For HE is risen indeed!
Happy Easter to all!