a day of non-rest

image courtesy of photobucket.com

He called it “margin,” but I quickly figured out it was another sermon, at least in part, about the Sabbath. The preacher made some good points, put things in a little different way, but I’d heard the song before – knew it by heart. I flipped over to Genesis then Psalm before he mentioned it, I showed my wife as a kind of smart aleck gesture for a smile during church.

Alas, before long I was settling into the day of rest… literally. My eyes were ready to follow the rule to the “T,” felt like someone strapped tiny weights on my eyelashes. I tried to shake it off and looked around to stay alert only to find others with similar problem. Some of the eyelids couldn’t hold open under the strain and gave in.

It dawned on me that my eyes were trying to shut down in order to shut my ears down. Truth has a way of closing eyes, ears, and minds…

It was one of those “bad timing” topics. I had told my wife ahead of  time, “I can’t go to Sunday School today – I got too much to get done.” (yes, my everyday grammar is that bad…)  As I sat in church before my ears got set ablaze, I thought about my day. A day of non-rest. I planned a quick lunch then back to work on a presentation that was due hopefully by Monday. I’d press hard and get it done in two or three hours.

The lacrosse team was going to be over around 5 o’clock to review game film. I knew I’d be too busy to get anything typed to post so I’d planned to dig back into my blog archives and do a repost for Monday. Then my mind wandered into the old posts.

They say timing is everything… It certainly was for me that Sunday. Unfortunately for me and the majority of people I know, we’ve bought into the lie spoon fed to our society; “If some is good, more is better.” I’ve found that more is rarely better, at least in the ways our society has sold it.

We’ve bought into the lie that our peace and joy can somehow be bought and paid for… Nothing is further from the truth. Peace and joy aren’t for sale.. They’re free, yet some of us will never attain what it is we’re searching our entire lives for. It’s lunacy – it’s like searching for oxygen under water. As we gain wisdom with age we begin to comprehend even in greater clarity that most often less is more… Some of us are just a little less wise that’s all.

I fulfilled my obligations. The presentation was ready for Monday and the game film analyzed and discussed. I was too busy putting out fires on Monday to deliver the presentation. The time spent on film came to be of no use, the team improved by different methods since that time. I didn’t gain a lick by wasting my day of rest…

I did, however, make it to Sunday School… My hypocrisy does have a hint of a conscience…

Now if I could just wake it up…